All services take place in center, or in the client’s home, daycare, playground, or similar, allowing the child to learn and develop their skills in their natural environment. In addition to the duration of the session itself, the fees reflect the necessary preparation time prior to the session, time to analyze and score assessments, and documentation time. Each session lasts an hour, which includes time for documentation and discussion with caregivers.

Free 15-minute consultation phone call.

Initial OT Assessment

  • Includes comprehensive assessment (observation, standardized and non-standardized assessments, parent interview)
  • Planning session with caregivers to review results, strategies, and treatment plan. No report included.
    • Cost: $450

Treatment Sessions

  • Includes direct treatment (45 minutes), 5-10 minutes to review with family, 5 minutes to document
  • Number and frequency of required sessions may vary based on your child’s individual circumstances, goals, and progress
    • Occupational Therapy Session Cost: $130
    • Occupational Therapy Assistant Session Cost: $100

Additional Services

  • Consultation or meeting (via phone or videoconferencing)
    • Cost: $150/60 minutes
  • Progress or Recommendation Letter (1-2 pages): may include a brief summary of the child’s strengths, progress, and areas of need/recommendations
    • Cost: $140
  • Detailed report: evaluation report including detailed information regarding standardized assessment scores and analysis, the child’s strengths, and areas of need/recommendations
    • Cost: $325
  • Out of catchment travel fee (price varies based on location)

If there is a specific service you are looking for, please contact Active Pediatrics.